What is TEB?

TEB is an NFT brand based on South Korea’s twelve zodiacs.

Twelve zodiacs are represented by twelve guardian animals. The twelve animals in the Korean Zodiac are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Legend has it that these twelve animals took part in a race, and the outcome determined the order of the twelve zodiacs. TEB further expands this ancient mythology into the metaverse. Every year is represented by one of the animals, and this repeats every twelve years.

TEB is launching its Tiger Branch NFTs in 2022 celebrating the year of the tiger. The TEB universe will grow exponentially as we launch more zodiac animal branches in the near future. Keep an eye out for updates on our roadmap and be one of the first owners of the guardian animals.

Through which blockchain platform is it published?

TEB is a brand that publishes NFTs through multichains based on IPs. The first minting was processed through Ethereum and the second minting is scheduled to be processed through Klaytn.

How do you buy it?

  • Seoul Tiger : All mintings have ended and you can buy it on OpenSea Marketplace.

  • DRX : Purchase Klaytn through a cryptocurrency exchange center that has Klay coin and transfer it to a Kaikas or Clip wallet. Then you can buy it at OpenSea Marketplace when the project is minting. Reference) How to download a Kaikas wallet

What differentiates TEB NFT from the rest?

By owning TEB NFT...

  • You own full rights to the artwork.

  • You will be able to use it for commercial purposes as well.

  • There will be an airdrop event for future branch NFTs, only accessible for the TEB NFT holders.

  • You can share profit from future sale of relevant metaverse items.

  • You can be a part of TEB NFT DAO You share ownership of TEB’s IP and copyrights

Which blockchain platform will TEB NFT be minted on?

TEB uses smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain to mint NFTs. TEB NFT can only be purchased with ETH.

What is difference between Pre-Minting and Public-Minting?

'Pre-Minting' is a special pre-sale event organized for early bird supporters of our TEB universe. Only early supporters of TEB that show the most active engagement during our airdrop event can be a part of the 'Pre-Minting'. Check our Discord channel for details on OG and Whitelist policies.

Once the pre-minting event is over, TEB will start its 'Public-Minting'. TEB NFTs will be completely open to the public during this stage.

Take a look at the link below to find out more about TEB’s minting schedule.

Are NFTs a good investment?

As with any other form of assets, there are risks associated with NFT investment. However, in the mid to long term, TEB is planning to become a leader in the digital assets, contents, and intellectual property industry through NFTs. TEB will grow exponentially with the metaverse, and our ultimate goal is to become an IP mega-cap like Disney. This would be a difficult journey, but with the support of our amazing TEB team and community, it may not be so far fetched.

If you are supportive of our journey, consider making an investment within a reasonable amount.

How do I become a part of the TEB community?

​ Join our Discord server through the link below.

You may freely join any channel you want - We are fully supportive of your activities within our community. Once Public-minting starts, the community will mainly be for the TEB NFT holders, and there may be limitations on non-holders’ activity.

TEB Team Members

There are six starting members of TEB Labs, consisting of Software Engineers, Designers, and PMs.

Customer Service

You can check the latest TEB information through Discord or Twitter official account. Should you have further questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the community below.

Last updated