Summary of Terms

NFT(Non-Fungible Token)

An acronym for Non-Fungbile Token, it means a digital file on block chain that shows a particular asset. Each token has a unique code and has an irreplaceable uniqueness.


It means ‘purchasing’ or ‘owning’ NFT.

Pre Sale

The Minting season in which only White List users can purchase NFTs. Users can buy NFTs at a cheaper price compared to the public sale.

Public Sale

The season where normal users can buy NFTs after the pre sale to white list users.

White List

Users who fulfill the requirements for an NFT project such as Twitter advertisement, Discord advertisement, Community promotion, etc. White list users can participate in pre sale and purchase NFTs at a cheaper price.


Users who own NFT

Air Drop

The act of giving free NFTs or new cryptocurrency according to investment ration to users who own a specific NFT.


An acronym for Decentralized Autonomous Organization, it means an organization that uses and invests the organization’s funds through Smart Contract decisions and votes.


Klaytn is a cryptocurrency published by Ground X, a block chain company owned by Kakao, that is used to purchase NFT.


To purchase NFT you have to connect to a wallet. Some popular wallets are Kaikas, Clip, etc.

Block Height

Block Height refers to the number of blocks stacked by the block chain network, which is a similar conecpt to time. You can check the block height of Klaytn Network through Klaytn Scope or Klayswap. If the block height is presented in a service during minting, one must send a block height greater than but closer to the actual block height in order to increase the possibility of a successful minting.

Gas Fee

A fee that NFT purchasers and publishers pay to the miner of the NFT. Transfers between individuals are recorded on the blockchain network. These contracts are converted into data, and the miner sends these data for the users. During this process, the gas fee—a labor cost—is given to the miner.

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